Your Galactic Empire May Not be as Secure as you Think: 5 Ways Rebels Can Gain Access to Your Data.

In order to prevent your company’s data from ending up in the wrong hands, appropriate security protocols and software should be in place.
It helps to understand a few of the more popular ways in which rebel hackers are gaining access to your company’s private information so that you can work proactively, train your soldiers and not have to worry about reporting a data breach to the order of the sith lords.
Here are five of the more common ways rebel hackers steal data:
#4 Fault Injection or Fuzzing
#5 (Spoiler Alert) Accessing Your Server Room and Physically Pulling a High-Density Data Storage Device

Data security and intellectual property (IP) is extremely important. Cornerstone Discovery’s expertise in data recovery, forensic investigations, and network security could have helped the Galactic Empire avoid or minimize this breach. IP theft can have devastating effects on your company. Don’t take your organization’s network security lightly. Call Cornerstone when key employees leave or whenever you suspect your data has been breached.
May The 4th Be With You — Happy Star Wars Day!