Protection Protocol: Improving Your Company’s Cybersecurity Plan

As the remote workforce grows, companies have the added pressure of upping their cybersecurity game. An array of cloud applications, collaboration tools, and personal devices are connected to your corporate network, meaning there are more access points for cyber attacks. As we move into a new year, it’s time to re-examine your company’s IT infrastructure. Here are some tips for improving your company’s cybersecurity from one of the best digital forensics companies in the Philadelphia area.

Guard Network Access

Ensure your company’s firewall, endpoint, and WiFi network security is up to date. Firewalls are especially important for controlling traffic and allowing only trusted internal network access. Your WiFi network is especially vulnerable to attacks, so you’ll want to use a trusted router and keep it in a safe location with limited access. If your company has several employees working from home, you’ll want to implement endpoint protection on company devices and even consider offering a business-grade connection for employees’ home offices.

Change Passwords Regularly

Using basic security practices, such as routinely updating passwords, can go a long way in safeguarding your company from cyber attacks. Unfortunately, not all employees are willing to change their passwords regularly, so you’ll need to make it mandatory to update passwords. It would also be helpful to instruct your employees on how to create strong passwords.

Implement Updates as They Become Available

Any connection to the Internet is a weak spot hackers love to target. For this reason, it’s important to ensure the security measures on all operating systems and applications are up to date. Implementing system and software updates as they become available can reduce potential cyber threats.

Establish VPN Connections

A virtual private network (VPN) connection can help protect sensitive data from getting into the hands of the wrong people. If your company has multiple office locations or remote workers, it could be in your best interest to implement VPN connections and make it mandatory for employees to use these connections wherever they are.

Educate Your Employees

Another way to reduce the number of cybersecurity threats your company receives is by educating your employees on online safety. Hold regular training sessions to keep them up to date on the latest cybersecurity measures and best practices. Help them see how their actions can affect the occurrence of breaches.

Create a Policy for Personal Devices

With employees increasingly bringing their personal devices to work or using them to work from home, your company must set a policy in place that establishes guidelines for personal device usage. Whether they are using their own laptops or mobile devices for work purposes, employees should be required to use specific security software measures and strong passwords.

Ensure a Recovery Plan Is in Place

Even the most secure system can be infiltrated. For this reason, it’s crucial for your business to be prepared. Establish a plan of action in the event a breach occurs, and then test your IT team’s incident response time. It will also be helpful to set up alerts from firewalls and security software, so you’ll know immediately when action is required.

Partner With a Digital Forensics Company

Unfortunately, attacks happen even when you’ve done everything you can to prevent them. If your company has been the victim of a cyber crime, get in touch with a digital forensics investigator. They can help your company determine who was behind the crime by collecting digital evidence and establishing a chain of custody, even from recovered data.

If you’re dealing with a corporate cybersecurity breach and need e-discovery vendors to conduct a criminal investigation, contact our team today! We’ll use our tried-and-true evidence collection process to get you all the support you need for your case.



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